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It’s okay if your morning routine doesn’t involve a shot of apple cider vinegar.

No matter what age you are, you have probably been hit in the face with the idea that food either “kills” or “heals”. Non-organic produce is toxic. Apple cider vinegar increases immunity, decreases weight, balances pH levels - all in that early morning shot glass.

This is normal to believe as we are saturated with diet culture between friends, family, instagram feeds, and shocking article titles.

I mention Intuitive Eating a lot here on my platform, however, not one post or blog could ever encompass the full message. With 10 principles, and a lot of unlearning, one can not simple practice Intuitive Eating, or believe it even, in its entirety just in one day. However, I do want to mention one thing here which I am sure will come up in conversation again and again. And again.

“Healthy eating” is not just eating food with proven benefits. It also includes a healthy relationship with food.

Which is why Honor Your Health // Gentle Nutrition is one of the LAST principles of Intuitive Eating with hopes that the consumer no longer views nutrition in the lens of diet culture.

This brings us to the emerging trend of apple cider vinegar. And other foods that you may be forcing yourself to eat or not to eat… in order to be happy and healthy.

This is a fad diet. Anything that promotes weight loss as its end goal is a diet. If you want to call it your “wellness journey” or “lifestyle” with motivation to lead a better, happier life - then realize that shots of vinegar at 8AM isn’t the only way to do that. There is no significant data on the benefits of solely consuming apple cider vinegar. But let's dive deeper into this.

Maybe it’s not a shot of apple cider vinegar - maybe its the green machine smoothie packed with leafy greens, 0% Greek plain yogurt, bananas, and chia seeds or something as simple as an apple every day. If you’re forcing it down your throat before a full work day with hopes to make you lose five pounds or decrease your risk of cancer, stop now. And take a small step back.

There is no cookie cutter form to living a stress free, healthy, enjoyable life. What works for one person may not work for you. Those benefits found in foods, can be found in other foods that you may enjoy more. If you’re not enjoying it then stop doing it. Forcing food you dislike is not helping you form that healthy relationship with food.

As humans, we are known to want something a lot more when we tell ourselves we can’t have it. If you aren’t enjoying the meal or snack you’re eating then you’ll finish it unsatisfied… thinking about the next thing you can eat.

Food should not be controlling our days, our thoughts, or our happiness. And as morbid as this may sound we came into this world and one day we will leave it without much control on how or when. There is so much more to do with your life than tell yourself you can’t eat certain foods, shame yourself for gaining weight, and forcing yourself to eat food due to its said benefits. Whether it’s a shot of vinegar or vinegar on your fries, ask yourself if you are enjoying it for yourself in that moment - not for its health benefits, or your end goal, or because someone else told you to. You are in charge, no rules needed.


*If you have further questions on healing your relationship with food, or learning more about Intuitive Eating. Learn more here, or reach out! xx